Human Growth Hormone

Posted by How To Grow Taller Fast on 17:51 with No comments
Growth hormone is a protein hormone secreted by the pituitary gland which stimulates growth and cell reproduction.

Why is human growth hormone so important?

Growth hormone is vital because it is the hormone primarily responsible for making you grow taller and stronger.

In most cases, if you are lacking in height, then it is highly likely that you suffer from a growth hormone deficiency. Growth hormone deficiencies are fairly common in men and women of all ages, which is why there is an entire industry dedicated to hormone replacement therapy and HGH (human growth hormone) supplements.

To make matters worse, our levels of growth hormone begin to slowly decrease each year after around the age of 25 or so, which makes it even more important for adults to add a good HGH supplement to their daily nutrition regimen.

Think about it this way - have you ever noticed that many people seem to shrink as they get
older? This phenomenon is very common and it's directly related to our declining levels of HGH. If those same individuals were to replenish or increase their levels of HGH, they would gain back several inches of their height and more. That's how important growth hormone is to our bodies and our height.

So what are our options for increasing HGH levels?

There are 3 primary ways to replace and/or increase your HGH levels:
■ human growth hormone injections
■ human growth hormone oral sprays
■ herbal supplements which boost your body's HGH levels naturally

What are the pros and cons of each method? Which methods actually work?

Let's take a closer look...

METHOD # 1: HGH Injections

Evidence from several well-known studies does suggest that HGH injections do work; however, there are some drawbacks to using HGH injections.

With injections, synthetic HGH is injected into the body, typically 2 to 3 times per day. The
average cost per injection is $25.00; thus, it costs $50.00 - $75.00 per day to use injectable
HGH. And to make matters worse, recombinant (injectable) growth hormone is a drug that is
available by prescription only. And since you are not treating a "classified disease", insurance will not cover HGH injections. That means that you have to pay for all of these costs out of your own pocket!

And as mentioned above, injections use synthetic (scientifically engineered) HGH. In other
words, it's not natural. Anytime you introduce a large amount of a foreign hormone into the
human body, there is the risk of side effects.

In fact, in a July 5, 1990 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, it was found that some patients undergoing injections suffered from various adverse side effects.

Pros: Injectable HGH is effective
Cons: Injectable HGH is very expensive, painful, time-consuming, requires a prescription and can have serious side effects

METHOD # 2: HGH Oral Sprays

There is no evidence to suggest that oral sprays work.
With oral sprays, synthetic HGH is sprayed directly into the mouth. However, there have been several documented reasons as to why oral sprays are completely ineffective.
Sprays are said to be ineffective because growth hormone is a large, unstable molecule that can't pass through membranes in the mouth. Also, administering the dosage is virtually impossible with a spray, though this is of lesser concern given that the dosage provided in a spray is well below therapeutic levels.

Furthermore, sprays contain potentially dangerous binders and fillers as well - additives which experts believe should be avoided at all costs.
Finally, oral HGH sprays are said to be distasteful, leaving an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Pros: none
Cons: Oral HGH Sprays are ineffective, distasteful and many contain potentially dangerous
binders and fillers

METHOD # 3: HGH Releasers (Herbal Supplements)

There is an ongoing debate as to the effectiveness of HGH Releasers. Nonetheless, some recent studies have shown that some HGH Releasers are effective, offering virtually the same level of benefits one would derive from costly HGH injections.

With herbal HGH Releasers, a combination of herbal supplements is ingested in tablet or capsule form. Typically, the pills are taken before bedtime, since HGH production in the pituitary gland is most active during sleep.

Unlike injections or sprays, herbal HGH Releasers do not contain synthetic HGH. Instead, herbal HGH releasers only contain natural herbal ingredients. It is believed that the right combination of herbs can stimulate the pituitary gland, causing it to produce more abundant levels of your body's own growth hormone.

Some experts believe that HGH Releasers are much safer than injections or sprays precisely for this reason. Rather than ingesting or injecting a foreign hormone into the body, HGH Releasers stimulate increased production of your body's own growth hormones. This in turn eliminates the adverse side effects you would receive from other forms of HGH replacement.

Pros: Many herbal HGH Releasers are very effective, according to several recent studies. Herbal HGH Releasers are much cheaper than injections or oral sprays and have no side effects. Also, herbal HGH Releasers do not require a prescription.

Cons: none

So what does this information tell us?

Based on all the research, it definitely appears that herbal HGH Releasers are the cheapest,
safest and most effective way to boost or replenish your natural HGH levels.
