Human Growth Periods

Posted by How To Grow Taller Fast on 07:48 with No comments

There is a lot of misinformation regarding the ages that growth takes place, how tall you will likely be, and
what the exact roles of heredity and environment have on your growth. Throughout your life you will constantly
generate human growth hormone. Maintaining your bodies chemical balance and cell rejuvenation are two
main reasons your body generates Human Growth Hormones (HGH). Whether you are looking forward to
increasing your linear height, developing bone density, or regenerating your bone cells, human growth hormone
can be manufactured in great amounts and is distributed most often during certain periods of your life. There
are a number of factors that, if manipulated correctly, will substantially increase growth hormone levels in
your body.

It is quite common for boys and girls to grow suddenly as they enter puberty. This is called the growth spurt. The
graph below shows this more clearly:
Growth takes place from time of fertilisation to about age thirty and it is seldom smooth, regular, and
predictable. Most girls will have their growth spurt between ages 10 and 14, during the early stages of
puberty. During this growth spurt that lasts for a year or two, growth is rapid. They can grow as much as 3½
inches per year during this duration. Hence, it is common for 12 and 13 year old girls to be taller and heavier
than boys.

Most boys start puberty and begin their growth spurt between ages 13 and 15. Their growth spurt also lasts for
a year or two and during this period they may gain as much as 4½ inches per year. By age 15, it is common
for boys to become taller and heavier than girls. After the growth spurt, growth continues but slows down to a steadier rate.

It is important to note that growth spurt can occur within a wide age range. Each individual may experience
growth spurt earlier or later than the average age. Although it is widely accepted that an individual's
maximum height is achieved by the late teens, it is however incorrect. Most girls reach their full height by 17
while most boys by 19, although lots of individuals continue to grow into the twenties. The vertebrae in the
spinal column continue to grow in length and width until about age thirty.
The growth you experience and the height that you ultimately acquire is the result or heredity and the
environment. Therefore it will be incorrect to assume that the maximum height you obtain is solely the result of

Environmental factors that affect your height include disease, stress, nutrition, exercise and sleep. They are just as
important as heredity in determining growth. You may have little or no control over your genes, but you may
manipulate the environment you are in. By understanding these factors, you can use them to your full