Leg Lengthening Exercises - Kicking

Posted by How To Grow Taller Fast on 07:28 with No comments

Repeated kicking helps lengthen the shin and thigh bone.
Ever notice how kick-boxers have longer than average legs? It's the same principle as far as
baseball pitchers too. Pitchers usually have a pitching arm that is 1-2 inches (2-5 cm) longer
than their other arm. Same principle. Repetitive stress forces the bones to lengthen due to the stress.

There are only 2 kicks you will have to do in this program:

Kick # 1 - Front Snap Kick

The first kick is the basic front snap kick. It's very simple.
Keep both feet facing forward in a comfortable position, with a slight bend to the knees for
balance. Raise your knee until the thigh is perpendicular to the floor. While doing this, the ankle should be flexed downwards and your toe should be pointed towards the floor. Next, quickly snap your foot outward with your toe pointing outward. Once that is done, quickly return your toe to it's previous downward pointing position and lower the foot onto the ground. That is one repetition.

The kick will be quick. It doesn't matter how high off the ground you kick - our focus here is
simply on executing the quick snapping motion of the lower leg.
Each kick will last approximately than 1 second. Perform 20 kicks per leg then switch to the other leg and repeat. That is 1 set. Rest for 1 minute between sets then repeat the process again for a total of 3 sets.

Kick # 2 - Straight Leg Kick

The second kick is a straight leg kick. The best way to explain this is to pretend that you are punting a ball. Keep both feet facing forward in a comfortable position, with a slight bend to the knees for balance. Unlike the snap kick, you will NOT bend your knees while performing this kick. Keeping your leg straight, raise your leg quickly as if you were punting an imaginary ball. Raise your leg as high as possible with your toe pointing outward and upward. I find it helpful to imagine that there is a target in front of me at about eye level that I am trying to kick with my foot. Quickly lower your leg to starting position and place your foot on the floor. That is one repetition.

Once again, the kick will be quick. Your goal is to keep your leg perfectly straight and kick as high as possible. Each kick will last approximately 1.5 seconds.
Perform 10 kicks per leg then switch to the other leg and repeat. Rest for 1 minute between sets then repeat the process again for a total of 3 sets.

Perform 3 sets of both kicks each day (6 days/week). Shoes are optional.