Spine Lengthening Exercises – Hanging

Posted by How To Grow Taller Fast on 18:56 with No comments

There is nothing complicated about hanging. It is exactly what you would think it would be. No exciting secrets. Hanging is quite simple but it really helps to lengthen, straighten and
decompress the spine.

Yes, hanging can be tedious and tiring at times, which is why we break it up into short 5 minute workouts each day. Hanging is very helpful so please don't omit it from your workout.
You can use a chin-up bar, tree branch or a piece of playground equipment - whatever you can find that works for you. The bar must be perpendicular to the ground and able to support your entire body weight easily. For your comfort, the bar should be high enough so that your legs and feet can hang without you having to bend them or raise them up off the ground.

The Hanging Routine

Hang for 5 a total of minutes each day (6 days/week). This can be spread throughout the day or done all at the same time. Either way is equally effective.

Hang from a bar with hands shoulder width apart. Use an over-hand grip on the bar one day, then use an under-hand grip on the bar the next day. Switch your grip each day. This is done to prevent any over-compensation from your back, shoulder or arm muscles.

Each hanging repetition should last a minimum of 10 seconds. Hold each repetition for as long as you can until you have reached a total of 5 minutes of hanging time for the day.

Keep in mind that the more you do this, the easier it will get and the longer you will be able to hang for one repetition. Many of our members have told us that they personally look forward to their daily hanging routine as it gives them a chance to relax and focus on their body.

Note: If you wish to hang for more than 30 minutes per week (5 minutes each day, 6 days per week) you certainly can. Thirty minutes is merely the minimum you should hang while on theprogram.

Tips to help you hang longer and more comfortably:

1. Invest in a pair of weightlifting wrist wraps to help stabilize your wrists. This will help you
to hang longer.

2. Also, wear a pair of weightlifting gloves (or any type of soft leather glove) to protect your

hands from blisters.